Please, fill in all data correctly and you will receive our offer within the next two days. You may be contacted by our employees in order to clarify some details if necessary – we want to make sure that our proposal is accurate and proper.

Fields marked with a star (*) are obligatory.

All data submitted in this questionnaire is review in full confidentiality and in compliance with the law for personal data protection.

Organization profile
Organization name: *
ID number (Bulstat): *
VAT id number:
Address (registration): *
Head office address (if different):
Site address (if different):
If the company is part of a group or other structure, please specify::
MD/Chief Executive Officer/General Manager: *
MR/Management Representative: *
Position of MR: *
Phone: *
E-mail: *
Other remarks (if necessary):
Please describe the product, subject to certification:
Do you have another certification:
If, YES, please provide details:
Scope of certification/ Products/ Management system/ Activities / Processes: *
The number of specimens for each product that will be provided: *
Number of employees: *
Work language (for the certification):
How many work shifts do you have?(Please mark the appropriate)
Shift 1:   Begins:   Ends:
Shift 2:   Begins:   Ends:
Shift 3:   Begins:   Ends:
Shift 4:   Begins:   Ends:
Is the system completely implemented and if “yes” since when it is functioning? (CPS, GMP and other production control systems):
Consulting company/ consultant which took part in the implementation (if any):
Additional information (if any):
How did you hear about EuroBul Cert?
Please state the name of the person/s who recommended to you EuroBul Cert: